Ed.D. Dissertation Search Tool - Feedback Form

    OnlineEdDPrograms.com, in collaboration with the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED), has created an Ed.D. Dissertation-specific search tool designed to help Ed.D. students, professors, dissertation committee members, and education leaders find open-access Ed.D. dissertations and capstone projects. We believe this searchable database will make contemporary education scholarship more accessible to scholar-practitioners, which will enrich their endeavors to innovate and improve education systems, programs, and policies within their spheres of influence.

    While the tool now contains 17,089 dissertations, it is still in the initial phase of its release. To grow our dissertation database, we will be including dissertations from more colleges and universities, while also adding newly published dissertations from schools for which we have already collected data. You can learn more about our data collection process on our Ed.D. Dissertation Search Tool Sources of Data page.

    Currently, the tool only allows for keyword-based searches; however, in the future, we will release a version that allows users to search by popular subject areas as well as by research methodology and approach. If you are a professor or committee member and would like to beta test this version, please reach out using the form below.

    We also welcome users to provide feedback or ask questions using the form below. Please clearly state any issue or issues you are experiencing or additional functionality you think would be useful when using the tool. Thank you in advance for reaching out, as our goal is to create a resource that helps students and scholar-practitioners find, access, and learn from applied research in the fields of education and organizational leadership.