Online EdD Programs in Curriculum and Instruction, Curriculum Development, and Teacher Leadership
Curriculum and instruction are the foundation of education at every grade level. Professionals who earn doctorates in these fields are prepared to impact educational outcomes directly through the development and improvement of course content and sequencing, as well as lead teams of teachers or instructors in a variety of settings. There are currently 64 online Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) programs available in the U.S. with concentrations in Curriculum, Instruction, or the closely related field of Teacher Leadership.
Online EdD programs in Curriculum and Instruction provide students with training in curriculum development, implementation, evaluation, and improvement, and supplement this training with courses that place school curriculum in different social, historical, and political contexts. Teacher Leadership programs typically cover these topics as well, but also focus on aspects of mentoring and coaching, such as how to plan and lead professional development programs. Graduates of EdD programs in these concentrations are prepared to assume leadership roles in settings such as K-12 public and private schools, colleges and universities, school districts, and education research organizations.
This page contains a wide range of online EdD programs with specializations in curriculum and instruction, curriculum development, or teacher leadership. However, it does not include programs that focus specifically on special education or K-12 administration. Students interested in pursuing a degree in either of these fields should check out our Online EdD in Special Education or Online EdD in K-12 Leadership pages for more information.
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University of West Alabama
Online Ed.D. Rural Education with a Concentration in Teacher Leader
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Aurora University
Online Doctor of Education (EdD) with a Specialization in Instructional Leadership (Coaching and Mentoring)
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Grand Canyon University
Online Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership with Emphasis in K-12 Leadership
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Grand Canyon University
Online Doctor of Education in Teaching and Learning with an Emphasis in Adult Learning
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Curriculum for Online EdD Programs in Curriculum and Instruction
Students interested in pursuing an EdD in Curriculum, Instruction, or Teacher Leadership online have a range of program options to choose from. Some of these programs are relatively broad, offering curricula that touch on a variety of topics related to leadership, curriculum development, teaching, learning, and instructional design. Others are more specialized, focusing on certain aspects of these fields (e.g., program design and assessment) or specific academic subjects, such as reading, STEM, social studies, or English as a second language (ESL). Some examples of available programs include:
- Online Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
- Online Doctor of Education with a Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction
- Online Doctor of Education with a Concentration in Curriculum & Teaching
- Online Doctor of Education in Leadership with a Specialization in Curriculum Leadership
- Online Doctor of Education in Instructional Design
- Online Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership with Concentrations in Instructional Leadership or Teacher Leadership
Most EdD programs in Curriculum and Instruction combine classes that cover the fundamentals of teaching, coaching, and the education system with courses that focus on the development of curricula that meet the needs of a diverse student population. Core classes for EdD programs in these concentrations may include:
- History of the American Education System: An overview of the American education system and how it has evolved. The structure of primary, secondary, and post-secondary education and the development of educational standards at each of these levels. The role of teachers and administrators in America’s different systems of education, and how they have contributed to the improvement of these systems throughout history.
- Foundations of Curriculum, Instruction, and Evaluation: The fundamentals of developing a curriculum, including identifying learning needs, curriculum mapping, and designing course content that aligns with education standards and students’ learning objectives. How knowledge is disseminated in school settings via class content and sequencing, course materials, assignments, and exams. How to evaluate learning outcomes from a curriculum and make adjustments accordingly.
- Organizational Systems and Leadership in Education: The structure of different educational institutions at multiple levels of education, from primary to post-graduate. How different departments and teams collaborate to establish student learning goals and meet students’ needs in the classroom and on campus.
- Education Policy: The politics of education in America, and the key stakeholders, including historical and current debates around such topics as education standards, campus regulations, and funding for educational programs. How recent education reforms have shaped students’ experiences at the K-12 and post-secondary levels.
While foundational courses in curriculum and leadership are a typical component of all EdD programs, degree tracks in Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Leadership tend to examine the processes of curriculum development, implementation, and improvement in more detail. Concentration courses for these programs may cover topics such as school program funding, staff training and professional development, student instruction, and assessing student progress. Some examples include:
- Advanced Topics in Curriculum and Instruction: The latest research and theories on best practices for curriculum development and instruction. An in-depth discussion of curriculum mapping, technology in the classroom, collaborating with stakeholders in the curriculum development process, and incorporating new instructional models into the classroom.
- Curriculum Evaluation and Improvement: The different strategies for assessing curricula and learning outcomes, and how to apply these findings to targeted plans to improve student achievement.
- Promoting Professional Development: How to develop and implement effective training programs for teachers and other educators, keeping them up to date on standards for curriculum and instruction as they evolve over time, as well as the latest strategies and trends in learning, assessment, and professional collaboration.
- Diversity Education in Curricula: The role of diversity education and acceptance in the development of a safe and productive learning environment for students of all ages. How to incorporate diversity into different types of educational programming, such as literature, social studies, history, and science classes, as well as extracurricular programs.
In addition to core and concentration courses, students may also be able to take one or more elective classes that are not within their specific major or department, but which are relevant to their future career(s) of interest. Such classes may include:
- Leadership in the Workplace: The principles of effective leadership and communication in group settings, and how to lead teams in the design and execution of plans on an organizational level.
- Technology in Education: The latest developments in education technology and how they can enhance the learning process for students across grade levels. The different forms of education technology, from mobile apps to online course modules, and how to incorporate them into curricula.
During the latter half of their EdD program, students typically begin their dissertation, which is a capstone research project that investigates a problem or issue in education, with a particular focus on curriculum, instruction, and/or teacher leadership (depending on their program focus). While the vast majority of EdD programs require the completion of a dissertation, some programs allow students to take capstone research seminar courses that replace the dissertation requirement. For more information about EdD dissertation requirements, please refer to our Dissertations and Research Requirements for EdD Programs page.
EdD programs may vary in terms of their curriculum content and course sequencing, and therefore the course descriptions described above should be viewed as guidelines. To learn more about EdD program structure and curriculum, please see our Structure of Online EdD Programs page.
Career Paths for Graduates of EdD Programs in Curriculum and Instruction, Curriculum Development, and/or Teacher Leadership
Graduates of EdD programs in Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Leadership are prepared to enter jobs that involve leading teams in the creation, expansion, evaluation, or improvement of curricula and educational programs. They may also find work in government agencies, education advocacy organizations, corporations, and other work environments where their knowledge of curriculum and professional development can translate into advocating for improvements in education policy, staff trainings, or academic programs. Examples of roles that graduates might pursue include:
- School Principal: School principals are in charge of the daily operations and long-term performance of the schools under their purview. They supervise teachers in the development of curricula and their instruction of students, collaborate with school district boards to ensure that their schools’ programs align with district and state standards, and manage school budgets in collaboration with other school staff.
- Instructional Coach: Instructional coaches work with teachers, principals, and other education professionals to improve classroom instruction and learning outcomes based on school- or district- wide goals. They might train staff in new education standards, help facilitate the implementation of new curricula or teaching methods, or work to help resolve certain educational challenges that have arisen on campus.
- College or University Dean: College deans direct one or more academic departments at post-secondary institutions, including universities, community colleges, and liberal arts colleges. Deans oversee the daily operations of their department, the development and implementation of course curricula, faculty members’ research and/or professional development, and funding for departmental programs.
- Curriculum Specialist: Curriculum specialists can work with a variety of educational institutions in order to help them create curricula and other student programming. They also collaborate with teachers and school administrators to evaluate and improve curricula and instruction methods for students at different grade levels.
Online Ed.D. Programs in Curriculum and Instruction
The following schools are sorted by state for easy reference; however, most online EdD programs accept students from other states as well. For out-of-state programs, students should confirm with an admissions advisor that the program accepts students from their state of residence before applying.
The University of West Alabama
Online Ed.D in Rural Education with a Concentration in Teaching and Learning (Masters to Doctorate)
National University
(La Jolla)Programs:
Online Doctor of Education (EdD) - Dissertation Completion Pathway with Specializations in Curriculum and Teaching, English Language Learning, and Instructional Leadership (All But Dissertation)
Online Doctor of Education (EdD) with Specializations in Curriculum and Teaching, English Language Learning, Instructional Leadership, and Social-Emotional Learning (Masters to Doctorate)
Online Doctor of Education in Instructional Design (Masters to Doctorate)
Online Doctor of Education in Instructional Design - Dissertation Completion Pathway (All But Dissertation)
Florida State University
Online Ed.D. in Learning Design and Performance Technology (Masters to Doctorate)
Nova Southeastern University
(Fort Lauderdale)Programs:
Southeastern University
Online Doctor of Education with a Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction (Masters to Doctorate)
University of Central Florida
(Orange County)
University of Florida
Online Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.) in Curriculum and Instruction - Teachers, Schools, and Society (TSS) (Masters to Doctorate)
Interview with Gage Jeter, Ph.D. - University of Florida -
Online Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.) in Curriculum and Instruction with an Emphasis on Educational Technology (Masters to Doctorate)
University of West Florida
University of West Georgia
Valdosta State University
Online Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction - P-12 Disciplinary Concentration (Masters to Doctorate)
Online Doctor of Education in Leadership with a Cognate in Curriculum Leadership (Masters to Doctorate)
Idaho State University
Aurora University
Concordia University - Chicago
(River Forest)Programs:
National Louis University
Online Ed.D. in Teaching and Learning - Postsecondary Teaching and Instructional Leadership (Masters to Doctorate)
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
University of Illinois
Indiana University
Online Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with Specializations in Art Education, Mathematics Education, and Science Education (Masters to Doctorate)
Online Ed.D. in Instructional Systems Technology (Masters to Doctorate)
University of Southern Indiana
University of Northern Iowa
(Cedar Falls)
Online Doctor of Education with an Intensive Area of Study in Curriculum and Instruction (Masters to Doctorate)
Baker University
(Baldwin City)Programs:
Online Doctor of Education in Instructional Design & Performance Technology (IDPT) (Masters to Doctorate)
Kansas State University
Online Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Curriculum and Instruction (Masters to Doctorate)
Southwestern College
Murray State University
University of the Cumberlands
Grambling State University
The University of Louisiana Monroe
Salisbury University
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Andrews University
(Berrien Springs)Programs:
Online Doctor of Education (EdD) in Curriculum and Instruction (Masters to Doctorate)
The College of St. Scholastica
University of St. Thomas, Minnesota
Walden University
Winona State University
Lindenwood University
(Saint Charles)
New York
University at Buffalo (SUNY)
Online Doctor of Education in Learning and Teaching in Social Contexts (Bachelors to Doctorate (Applicants with a Master's Degree are Strongly Preferred))
North Dakota
University of North Dakota
(Grand Forks)
Antioch University
(Yellow Springs)Programs:
Kent State University
George Fox University
Gwynedd Mercy University
(Gwynedd Valley)Programs:
Online Accelerated Executive Doctorate in Educational Leadership - All But Dissertation Degree Completion with an Area of Interest in Leadership in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (All But Dissertation)
Interview with Ray Bandlow Ph.D. - Gwynedd Mercy University -
Online Accelerated Executive Doctorate in Educational Leadership with an Area of Interest in Leadership in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (Masters to Doctorate)
Interview with Ray Bandlow Ph.D. - Gwynedd Mercy University
Wilkes University
South Carolina
Southern Wesleyan University
University of South Carolina
Austin Peay State University
Carson-Newman University
(Jefferson City)Programs:
Union University
University of Memphis
Texas A&M University, College Station
(College Station)
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
University of Houston
Liberty University
Regent University
(Virginia Beach)Programs:
Online Doctor of Education with a Concentration in Curriculum & Instruction (Masters to Doctorate)
University of Virginia
City University of Seattle
West Virginia
Marshall University
Online Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction (Masters to Doctorate)
University of Wyoming